Is Eco Earth Good For Leopard Geckos?

Are you on the hunt for a safe and eco-friendly substrate option that will benefit your leopard gecko?

Eco earth is here to save the day.

This all-natural and sustainable substrate has been making waves in the reptile community for its numerous advantages.

From promoting healthy digestion to creating a naturalistic environment, eco earth has proven to be an excellent choice for leopard geckos.

In this blog post, we will dive into the top reasons why eco earth should be your go-to substrate for your beloved pet. Get ready to discover the wonders of this environmentally conscious option and how it can elevate your leopard gecko’s well-being.

Let’s embark on an exploration of the benefits of using eco earth as substrate:

  • Composed of all-natural materials without any harmful chemicals
  • Retains moisture and aids in shedding process
  • Encourages natural burrowing behavior
  • Enhances the overall look of the enclosure with its naturalistic appearance
  • Easy maintenance and cleaning

Join us as we unveil all the amazing perks of using eco earth for your leopard gecko’s habitat.

What is Eco Earth?

Eco Earth is a natural substrate made from pressed coconut fibers, commonly used in the habitat of leopard geckos.

It is marketed as a safe and suitable option for all reptiles, including leopard geckos. However, owners have mixed reviews about its effectiveness, and other substrates may be more suitable for these lizards.

This is because Eco Earth can increase humidity levels in the enclosure, leading to mold growth and potential respiratory and skin issues.

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The substrate can also become dusty and cause respiratory infections if not kept moist. There is also a risk of ingestion by the geckos, which can lead to impaction and other health problems.

Is eco earth good for leopard geckos?

Yes, Eco Earth is safe for leopard geckos.

It’s a coconut fiber substrate that’s suitable for naturalistic terrariums for reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates.

Eco Earth can maintain both high and low humidity, and it’s unlikely to cause impaction.

However, when dry, it can be a little dusty and if it gets wet it can hold too much humidity for them.

What are the benefits of using eco earth for leopard geckos?

Eco Earth can offer numerous benefits for leopard geckos, positively impacting their overall health and well-being. These include:

  • Regulating Humidity Levels: Maintaining the appropriate humidity level is crucial for proper shedding and hydration in leopard geckos. Eco Earth, renowned for its moisture-retaining properties, can help maintain a consistent humidity level in the enclosure, creating a comfortable environment for your gecko.
  • Providing a Comfortable Walking Surface: Due to their delicate feet, leopard geckos are susceptible to injuries or discomfort from rough or sharp substrates. Eco Earth, made from natural materials, offers a soft and gentle surface for your gecko to walk on, preventing any potential foot injuries.
  • Eco-Friendly: As its name suggests, Eco Earth is an environmentally friendly option as it is made from all-natural and sustainable materials. It does not contain any harmful chemicals or additives that could potentially harm your gecko’s health.
  • Cost-Effective: Compared to other substrates like reptile carpet or stone tiles, Eco Earth is relatively inexpensive. With proper maintenance, it can last for several months, making it a cost-effective option in the long run.
  • Promoting Natural Behaviors: Leopard geckos are known for their burrowing behavior, and Eco Earth allows them to exhibit this natural behavior in captivity. This promotes their physical and mental well-being and can help reduce stress.

However, it’s essential to closely monitor humidity levels as Eco Earth has a high moisture retention capacity, which can lead to elevated humidity levels and potentially cause respiratory issues in leopard geckos.

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What are the disadvantages of using eco earth for leopard geckos?

While Eco Earth may appear to be a practical and cost-effective substrate choice for leopard geckos, there are numerous potential negative consequences that make it unsuitable for their enclosure.

These include skin irritations, impaction, walking difficulties, respiratory issues, and potential health concerns.

Moreover, the high levels of humidity that Eco Earth can create may not be ideal for leopard geckos, who thrive in dry conditions.

Possible Adverse Effects of Utilizing Eco Earth as Substrate for Leopard Geckos Description Suggested Solutions
Skin Irritations The soft texture of Eco Earth can cause irritation to the delicate skin of leopard geckos, resulting in discomfort and potential injuries. Consider alternative substrates such as reptile carpet or shelf liners with a smoother surface.
Impaction If consumed in large amounts, Eco Earth can lead to impaction in leopard geckos, where the substrate gets stuck in their digestive system and creates blockages. Observe your gecko’s feeding habits and remove any leftover food from the enclosure to prevent them from ingesting excessive amounts of the substrate.
Walking Difficulties The loose and soft texture of Eco Earth can make it difficult for leopard geckos to walk on, potentially causing joint issues over time. Choose substrates with a firmer surface like stones or tiles, which provide better support for your gecko’s feet.
Respiratory Issues Dry Eco Earth can become dusty and cause respiratory problems if inhaled by leopard geckos. Regularly clean and replace the substrate to prevent the build-up of dust.
Potential Health Concerns If not properly maintained, Eco Earth can become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and fungi, leading to diseases in leopard geckos. Clean and replace the substrate regularly, and avoid mixing it with food waste to prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms.

It’s important to keep in mind that although Eco Earth may be digestible and absorb odor, the potential negative effects on leopard geckos outweigh these benefits. It’s crucial to prioritize your gecko’s health and well-being when selecting a substrate for their enclosure.

There are more suitable options for leopard gecko substrate, such as newspapers, reptile carpet, stones or tiles, and shelf liners. When choosing a substrate, consider factors like durability vs. cost, safety for your gecko, ease of maintenance, and the risk of impaction.

How to mix and use eco earth for your leopard gecko

When utilizing eco earth as a substrate for your leopard gecko, the suggested ratio of eco earth to water is 1:2. This means mixing one part eco earth with two parts water to create an appropriate substrate for your gecko’s enclosure.

This ratio will ensure that the substrate has enough moisture to hold its shape and provide necessary humidity for your gecko, without becoming too damp and increasing the risk of respiratory and skin health issues.

Substrate Recommended Ratio of Eco Earth to Water Suitable for Leopard Geckos
Eco Earth 1:2 Yes
Reptile Carpets N/A Yes
Newspapers or Paper Towels N/A Yes
Slabs or Tiles N/A Yes
Stones N/A Yes, as long as they are not ingested in large quantities.
Shelf Liners N/A No, as they can cause injuries to gecko’s feet and toes.
Excavator Clay N/A No, as it can lead to impaction if ingested in large quantities.

Alternatives best option:

While it may be safe for your pet, there are other options available that offer not only a natural and secure environment but also have added benefits such as durability, affordability, and ease of maintenance. Here are some alternatives to consider:

Reptile carpets or liners:

These non-toxic materials are a top choice among leopard gecko owners due to their easy maintenance and ability to maintain proper humidity levels in the enclosure.

Paper towels or newspaper:

This inexpensive option provides good hygiene and effortless cleanup. However, it may not give the most natural look to your gecko’s habitat.

Stones or pebbles:

Mimicking their natural habitat, these substrates are suitable for leopard geckos and provide good drainage. However, cleaning can be challenging, and ingestion may pose a choking hazard.

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Excavator clay:

This type of substrate is gaining popularity among reptile owners as it allows for burrowing and digging behaviors in leopard geckos while maintaining humidity levels in the enclosure.

Tiles or slabs:

Durable and easy to clean, these options provide a natural look and mimic the rocky terrain of a gecko’s habitat.

When selecting a substrate for your leopard gecko, it is crucial to consider safety, durability, affordability, and the ability to mimic their natural habitat. Regularly changing and cleaning the substrate is recommended to prevent any health issues for your pet. By offering various options, you can create a safe, hygienic, and natural environment for your leopard gecko to thrive in.

Leopard gecko owners have differing opinions on eco earth as a substrate choice. While it may be safe for your pet, there are other options available that offer not only a natural and secure environment but also have added benefits such as durability, affordability, and ease of maintenance. Here are some alternatives to consider:

Reptile carpets or liners:

These non-toxic materials are a top choice among leopard gecko owners due to their easy maintenance and ability to maintain proper humidity levels in the enclosure.

Paper towels or newspaper:

This inexpensive option provides good hygiene and effortless cleanup.

However, it may not give the most natural look to your gecko’s habitat.

Stones or pebbles:

These substrates mimick their natural habitat. They are suitable for leopard geckos and provide good drainage.

However, cleaning can be challenging, and ingestion may pose a choking hazard.

Excavator clay:

Reptile owners are using this type of substrate more. It lets leopard geckos burrow and dig while keeping the enclosure humid.

Tiles or slabs:

Durable and easy to clean, these options provide a natural look and mimic the rocky terrain of a gecko’s habitat.


In wrapping up, Eco Earth stands out as an eco-friendly and gecko-comforting choice, enhancing your pet’s enclosure and encouraging natural behaviors.

However, it’s vital to monitor the environment it creates and keep it clean. While it has its cons, other substrates might tick your boxes better.

Ultimately, your leopard gecko’s health and happiness are paramount in choosing the right substrate.

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